
Showing posts from November, 2020

10 Intellectual Property Strategies For Technology Startups

  10 Intellectual Property Strategies For Technology Startups By Richard Harroch and Neel Chatterjee Intellectual property issues often are among the most important considerations that a technology startup will encounter. A startup will face numerous issues involving developing a product, hiring qualified employees, raising capital, and more. With all of these issues, intellectual property can feel distracting, expensive, or contrary to the goals of just getting a product to market before someone else does. However, intellectual property is often the most valuable asset of a technology startup. Protecting intellectual property can be essential to obtaining venture capital funding or preventing competitors from unfairly competing with you. In this article, we provide 10 critical intellectual property strategies for you to implement. 1. Keep your employment work separate from your new idea It is certainly scary to give up a current paycheck and take the risk of working long hours on ...

Dispute Resolution: Use of Reserve my rights

  “I reserve my rights!”: But do you really? Written on 12 Feb 2020 Parties frequently write in their correspondence with each other that they are reserving their rights. The hope is that this formula will protect them against an argument that they did not intend to (or have actively chosen not to) raise a particular argument or defence or assert a particular right – and so have foregone the right to do so in future. There are various principles of English law that such an opponent may seek to rely on: waiver, estoppel, election or affirmation. Does a "reservation of all rights" sentence in correspondence really protect against all of those arguments? Too vague to be effective At the beginning of 2019, the Court of Appeal held in the case of  Bresco v Michael J Lonsdale  that a purported reservation of the "right to raise any jurisdictional and/or other issues, in due course, whether previously raised or not and whether within the forum of adjudication or other proceedin...