Live facial recognition technology - data protection law applies
Blog: Live facial recognition technology - data protection law applies Share (Opens Share panel) A blog by Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner 9 July 2019 Any organisation using software that can recognise a face amongst a crowd then scan large databases of people to check for a match in a matter of seconds, is processing personal data. For the past year, South Wales Police and the Met Police have been trialling live facial recognition (LFR) technology that uses this software, in public spaces, to identify individuals at risk or those linked to a range of criminal activity - from violent crime to less serious offences. We understand the purpose is to catch criminals. But these trials also represent the widespread processing of biometric data of thousands of people as they go about their daily lives. And that is a potential threat to privacy that should concern us all. LFR is a high priority area for the ICO. My office has been conducting an investigation, ...