How To Conduct Inquiry In To Sexual Harassment At Work Place Complaints

Recently, the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court in
Ashok Kumar Singh vs. University of Delhi & Ors., LPA
305/2017 & CM No.15732/2017, after having
considered the facts of the case wherein the Appellant
(delinquent employee) had challenged the inquiry
report of the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
mainly on the grounds that the reports only give a
prima facie conclusion and not definite conclusion as
mandated under the Act as well as the opportunity of
cross examination of witnesses of the complainant and
to lead defense evidence was denied to him by
violating the principles of natural justice, has
remanded the case back to the ICC for conducting
afresh inquiry from the stage of cross examination of
complainant’s witnesses whose examination-in-chief
had already been tendered, in the following manner to
meet the mandatory requirements of Section 11(3) of
the Act as well as to comply with the principles of
natural justice.


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