Handbook on Sexual Harassment at Workplace by GOI
A Handbook on Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for Employers / Institutions / Organisations/ Internal Complaints Committee / Local Complaints Committee (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development
November 2015
Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development
It is well established that ensuring safe working conditions for women leads to a positive impact on their participation in the workforce and increases their productivity, which in turn benefits the nation as a whole. Economically, empowered women are key to the nation’s overall development and this can only be achieved if it is ensured that women’s workplaces across all sectors and all over the country have a safe and secure environment for work.
It is important as well to ensure that the emphasis is on prevention rather than punitive action. This calls for widespread awareness on the Act among employers, managers and the workers themselves. Frequently, women workers may face sexual harassment but may not be aware that it is a breach of their rights and that there is something they can do about it.
They need to know that they can do something about it. Then there are others, who may believe that it is a personal matter that needs to be resolved by the people involved. In order to change this order of things, it is urgent that measures are taken to change mind-sets and attitudes by creating awareness about what constitutes sexual harassment and the steps that can be taken to address it.
This handbook by the Government of India will serve as an important tool to make workplaces safe and benefit both workers and employers alike, leading to mutual gains.
Please click on below link to access the handbook.
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