Interesting read: the intent of MOU are usually to create non-binding obligations between the parties but recently the Indian courts have held that clauses like arbitration are enforceable and binding upon the parties.
Supreme Court clarifies validity of arbitration agreements in MoUs Nishith Desai Associates India May 13 2015 An arbitration clause is a separate and independent agreement. The arbitration agreement survives and does not necessarily come to an end even if the MoU does not materialize into a full-fledged agreement. Parties are bound to refer disputes arising out of and in relation to the MoU to arbitration if provided in the dispute resolution clause. INTRODUCTION The Supreme Court of India (“ Supreme Court ”) in the recent case of Ashapura Mine-Chem Ltd (“Appellant”) v. Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation 1 (“ Respondent ”) has addressed the issue of separability and survival of an arbitration clause contained in a Memorandum of Understanding (“ MoU ” ). The Supreme Court held that the arbitration agreement in the MoU was valid as it constitutes a stand-alone agreement independent from its underlying contract. ...